My Goal

After receiving feedback on my proposal I realised I need to deconstruct other scenes from films in order to gain a better understanding of how I can use framing, mise en scene, shot construction and shot coverage. In my proposal I mentioned that I was going to research the works of Wes Anderson, Scorsese and David O’Russel because I believe they are directors with distinct visual style, however, I was told that analysing video art and surrealist film could also help me to further my understanding of visual style.


Specific goals: 

To choose the location for my scene (completed by Wednesday 29th April)

To write the script with my friend (completed by Friday 30th of April).

Weekly tasks (starting Tuesday 28th of April until the end of semester):

To research, analyse and deconstruct scenes from films with a distinct visual style and to analyse video art and surrealist films (write in my blog)

To continue my methods of working by researching framing, mise en scene and shot construction (write in my blog)

To plan for my scene that I will shoot on the weekend by writing up a shot list, sketching storyboards and pre-visualising how I will approach shot coverage (write in blog).

Weekend tasks (starting from  Sunday 2nd of May until the end of semester): 

To create a scene using the same location and the same script, focussing on the shot coverage, shot construction, mise en scene and framing.

To edit my scene.

To analyse and reflect on my scene in my blog.


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