Reflection and Epiphany -Week 5-

In this week’s Wednesday class we watched over the door and stair scenes that were shot on Friday. In seeing these scenes we noticed a few problems with the continuity and with shot coverage. Being inexperienced actors, it is really hard for them to remember the positioning and actions that were made in previous shots-this made it tricky during the editing process to produce a fluid and smooth scene to watch. I don’t believe that there was enough variety to the shots within the scene- they could have been filmed from different angles and perspectives. This would have allowed for a much more dynamic scene. If we were to have used varying shots within the scene, there would have been more room for experimentation and alternatives throughout the editing process.

Once again, the framing is an aspect that still needs work. Next time, I would like to emulate the shots from a film in a scene that has stood out to me. I feel as though it would help me gain a better understanding of the camera coverage, movements and framing. Paul also suggested that a good way to set up the framing and plan the shots for the scene is to take photos on your smartphone. I think this is a really great way to help create the vision for the film and allow all collaborators to see exactly what it is that the director is aiming to achieve.

On Friday, we collaborated with a group to create two scenes (one long-take and one regular scene) working off a script. The collaboration process and choosing the roles felt fast paced and rushed, however, I feel as though everyone is starting to grasp a solid understanding of how to shoot a scene efficiently and successfully. I thoroughly enjoyed shooting the long-take as I was able to compare it to the long-take we did in our first class of Semester. The acting is less daunting now and the film crew is much more decisive. Our group was good at thinking about the actors positioning within the long-take. We wanted to choreograph the actors in an interesting and aesthetic way.


This week I grasped the notion of filming to edit. It is really important to think about how the film is going to look when it is cut together in post-production. I have realise that planning and storyboarding is essential in order to cover as many shots as possible. As a result of this, dynamic coverage can be achieved and there are varying scene possibilities to work with in the editing suites.

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