The Scene in Cinema-Scene Analysis-Week 4

The final scene in ‘Whiplash’- Directed by Damien Chazelle

Miles Teller (Andrew Neyman) and J.K Simmons (Terence Fletcher)

I chose this final scene from ‘Whiplash’ because I like the alternating Long shots with Close-Ups and Extreme-Close-Ups. I found the camera coverage within this scene to be particularly interesting as the camera position is constantly moving around the drum kit- it covers left, right, above and below the kit. Before seeing this film I couldn’t imagine so many different types of aesthetic shots around the drum kit and performer. Chazelle has used many differentiating shots and angles which frame the figures in a controlled and balanced way. The proximity of the camera coverage to the drums and Andrew make us feel as though we are there on stage performing with him. The camera is mainly static throughout the scene, however there are moments of rapid and fast paced camera movements. The camera frequently cuts back and forward from the same shots.

Analysis of the shots in the scene:

  • Extreme high angle Long shot of the band on stage
  • Medium over the shoulder shot of Fletcher, Fletcher positioned to the left of screen in focus. The band and Andrew are in the background out of focus-camera pulls focus to Andrew.
  • Medium shot of Fletcher positioned in the centre of the screen
  • Bird’s-eye-view shot of Andrew playing the drum solo-Drums take up most of the screen-Andrew is in the top edge of frame.
  • Low angle Close-Up shot of Andrew ’s profile -he is positioned on the left side of frame-his face is central
  • Out of focus Extreme Close-Up of cymbols
  • Low angle shot from behind cymbols- frames Andrew in the centre of the screen
  • Another Extreme Close-Up of cymbols
  • Extreme Close-Up-Andrew’s P.O.V of the sticks on the snare drum
  • Rapid camera movements-Andrew’s P.O.V-looking at the different drums- roughly shot-hand-held
  • Close-up of hands drumming-hand-held-the frame moves slightly
  • High angle Close-Up. Half of Andrew ’s head is cut out of the top of the frame
  • Over the shoulder Medium shot of Fletcher-Andrew out of focus-Fletcher in focus -Camera tilts down to keep Fletcher within the frame -Fletcher fills most of the right screen space
  • Cuts to Close-Up profile shot of Andrew  -left side of frame -band out of focus in the background on the right side of the frame
  • Cuts back to the over-the-shoulder shot
  • Wide Shot of Andrew  playing the drums-centre of the drums
  • Extreme Close-Up -drum sticks and snare drum
  • Close-Up Andrew framed between cymbol and drum -frame within a frame
  • Extreme Close-Up- drum stick on cymbol
  • Close-Up- hand hitting the cymbol -position in the right side of the frame
  • Cuts back to Close-Up of Andrew  framed between the cymbol and drum
  • Medium Close-Up- cymbol and Andrew – out of focus- camera tilts down on an angle from Andrew. Andrew and the cymbol are in frame-cymbol in focus-quick focus pull to Andrew
  • Extreme Close-Up of hand playing the cymbol
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew , he is positioned off centre to the left of the frame, his head is cut off at the top of the frame- Bass player in background-out of focus
  • Low angle shot of Andrew – he is postioned in the right side of the frame, the cymbol stand has been used to create an aesthetically pleasing frame which directs our eye to Andrew
  • Cut to another Extreme Close-Up of the drum stick hitting the cymbol
  • Low angle Medium Close-Up of Andrew – just his head postioned to the right of the frame and the cymbol on the left side of the frame- there is really nice balance within this shot
  • Cuts back to Extreme Close-Up of cymbol
  • Extreme Close-Up of Andrew s ear and sweat- his ear is positioned in the centre of the frame
  • Extreme Close-Up of his sweaty shirt- can’t make out many details
  • Extreme Close-Up of stick hitting the cymbol
  • Medium Close-Up- Andrew  positioned to the left of the frame
  • Back to the Extreme Close-Up of the cymbol positioned to the right of the frame.
  • Cuts back to Medium Close-Up of Andrew  positioned to the left of the frame. -These shots work well cut next to each other because there is a balance between where the action is positioned on the screen- it alternates between the left and right positions, helping to keep the audience engaged.
  • Hand-held rapid camera movement tracking the sticks hitting the cymbols. This shot is chaotic, disorientating and rough but it works really well-reminds me of Wes Anderson’s style- It is a shot that I would love to try within one of my scenes.
  • Bird’s-eye-view shot has been used again however it is now shot from the back of the drum kit- Andrew  is half in frame, positioned at the bottom of the screen.
  • Extreme Long shot of the stage- the stage is positioned in the centre of the frame
  • Cut to a Close-Up of Andrew ’s dad looking through the gap in the door- frame within a frame
  • high angle Close-Up of Andrew  -his movements take up the whole frame -Camera tilts up to close-up of his face positioned in the centre of the frame.
  • Extreme Close-Up of the bass drum
  • Extreme Close-Up from behind Andrew  who is positioned on the left side of the frame- his shoulder is out of focus, the cymbol positioned to the right of the frame is in focus.
  • Camera tilts up rapidly to see Fletcher in focus positioned in the right upper corner of the frame
  • Cuts back to high angle Close-Up of Andrew -the frame is not quite static-slight movements of the camera
  • Close-Up of Fletcher who is positioned slightly off centre to the right of frame.
  • Camera tilts up as Andrew leans back- Medium Close-Up on the profile of Andrew where he is positioned on the left edge of the frame.
  • Extreme Close-Up of cymbol which fills entire frame
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew  where he is positioned on the left side of the frame
  • Cuts to P.O.V Close-Up of the snare drum
  • Cuts to Close-Up of Fletcher positioned slightly off centre to the right of frame- his head is out of the frame at the top.
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew – postioned left of frame.
  • Cuts to another Close-Up of Fletcher
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew – postioned left of frame.
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew -positioned left of frame.
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Medium shot of Fletcher-positioned on the right side of frame, cymbol in the centre
  • Medium Close-Up of Andrew ’s profile- positioned left of frame
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Medium shot of Fletcher-positioned on the right side of frame, cymbol in the centre
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Camera tilts up in a Close-Up shot of Fletcher’s hands until we see his face positioned on the left side of the screen
  • Cuts back to the medium shot of Fletcher-positioned on the right side of frame, cymbol in the centre
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • High angle Close-Up shot of Andrew -positioned to the left of frame
  • Straight-on angle Close-Up of the snare
  • Cuts back to the medium shot of Fletcher-positioned on the right side of frame
  • Close-Up shot of snare drum
  • Close-Up shot of Fletcher’s face and hand- positioned on the right side of the frame- the top of his head is out of frame
  • Close-Up shot of snare drum
  • Over-the-shoulder of Andrew -Medium shot of Fletcher- Andrew  is out of Focus, Fletcher in focus
  • Cuts back to the high angle shot of Andrew
  • Low angle shot of Andrew ’s profiled-positioned in the centre of the frame
  • Long Shot of Andrew  on stage-positioned in the centre-darkness to the right of the frame, can see bass player on the left side of the frame-these are you used to frame Andrew  in the centre
  • Bird’s-eye-view of the drums and Andrew  at the top edge of the frame
  • Over-the-should of Andrew -Close-up shoulder out of focus-Medium-Long shot of Fletcher on the right side of frame
  • Camera slowly and slightly tracks forward and up in a Low angle Medium shot of Fletcher- centre of frame.
  • Low angle Close-Up of Andrew -part of the drum in frame, top of Andrew is cut out of frame
  • Close-Up of cymbol
  • Close-Up of drum sticks hitting drums
  • Extreme Close-Up of cymbol in right bottom corner of the frame-Andrew in the background out of focus
  • Extreme Close-Up of cymbol as it opens and closes
  • Extreme Close-Up of the bass drum pedal
  • Two Close-Ups shot through the drums and cymbols -Andrew out of focus in the background (frame within a frame)
  • Bird’s-eye-view shot of drums
  • Extreme Close-Up of cymbol
  • Extreme Close-Up of sticks hitting the snare drum
  • High angle Close-Up of Andrew
  • Pull focus- Close-Up of Andrew – face centre of frame
  • Extreme Close-Up of Fletcher-fills the frame
  • Extreme Close-Up of Andrew -fills the frame
  • Extreme Close-Up of Fletcher-fills the frame
  • Extreme Close-Up of Andrew -fills the frame
  • Extreme Close-Up Fletcher
  • Extreme Close-Up Andrew
  • Low angle shot of Fletcher- camera tilts up
  • Camera tracks in from an over-the-shoulder shot to a Medium Close-Up of Andrew.

Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 8.14.54 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.53.01 pmScreen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.52.49 pmScreen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.07.21 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.10.17 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.10.30 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.10.54 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.17.20 pm   Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.40.19 pm Screen Shot 2015-04-01 at 10.40.42 pm


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