VLOG # 6

Better late than never right?

Featuring in Vlog # 6 first up is 8bit. I (as per usual) liked the look of this new burger restaurant on Instagram and decided I definitley wanted to check it out.

The idea behind 8bit is pretty cool and I can see why there’s a lot of hype surrounding it. The queue wasn’t as bad as I expected around lunchtime but there wasn’t any seating available so we had to order take away. Another negative was that the food itself wasn’t that great if I’m honest. Every bite was a reminder of how unhealthy it was and I instantly regretted it.

So 8bit was disappointing. Buuuuut what wasn’t at all disappointing and actually really really great was the Kanye West concert. I’m a sucker for Yeezus.

I do have to admit the filming is quite shaky but it’s hard to film still at a concert with an iPhone, let me tell you.

– Caitlin

For the HD version click here

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