HTM(what the hel)L

When we were first introduced to HTML and told of the impending test, I was a little / a lot concerned. I had never attempted it before (except for a brief stint on Myspace as aforementioned).

It was definitely overwhelming, although as we talked more in class about the reasons why we are tested on this basic understanding, it makes more sense to me now. We think we’re so fluent with the internet because we can google something and teach our grandparents to post a photo to Facebook. When in reality we (well many of us anyway) have no clue to the internal processes of doing so. We can change a theme but do we know how someone created it? Nope.

So I read my emails and the first thing to prepare for this week’s test was to download a FTP server or something. I don’t know what that means but I didn’t question it and now I have successfully downloaded cyberduck #awesome #fun.

Update (1 hour later) : I decided to then trial using TextWrangler aka the text edit application we were advised to download. I thought it wouldn’t take very long to practice, but here I am an hour later and exhausted. Who knew HTML would involve so much googling on my part. Its a slow Tuesday morning.

Let’s see if I remember how to do any of it on Thursday.

– Caitlin


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