VLOG # 3

So this week’s Vlog is actually centred around Sydney rather than Melbourne.

After a delayed flight, fog troubles when landing and a taxi driver over charging us, we arrived in Sydney Saturday afternoon. We were only there for one night but it was definitley exciting to leave Melbourne for the weekend.

We stayed in Darling Harbour, just outside of China Town which was a really nice location AND close to a sushi train (aka my favourite place ever). WHYYYY doesn’t Melbourne have a single sushi train?? If you have ever experienced sushi on a conveyer belt then you know my pain. Its life changing, let me tell you.

Anyway, Sunday we ventured around Manly which involved some bagpipes, laying on the beach in jeans and another ice-cream being eaten (which seems to be the only thing I do in these videos).

– Caitlin

Ps. here is the HD version

PPs. course-related posts are coming, I promise


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