We were asked in our first Tute to go home & answer the question ‘What does being speculative mean?’. My automatic reaction was to first approach the smartest thing /person I know, Google.
According to the oxford dictionary being speculative means to be “engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge”.
After finding that definition it became clearer as to why this particular question was posed to us.
We are constantly being told how in any media or journalism environment being present and engaged is important. So take blogging for example. None of us would be interested in anything anyone would have to say online if it was just facts and knowledge repeated over and over. Being speculative is what makes writing personable and interesting. When someone proves they can formulate their own opinions and questions, others are more likely to engage with that person (or blogger).
I know I’d much rather speculate being speculative in a blog post than write another monotonous essay. Wouldn’t you?
– Caitlin