Creative Writing Task #3

Creative Writing Exercise #3

 The Ferris Wheel’s lights shimmer across the darkening bay. The soft, dainty, yellow falls on the calm of the ocean. Teenagers swim amongst the colour, warmness, everything warmness, the water rises and falls softly; dark blue and speckled gold.

Tim places his school bag on the damp grass and sits and looks out across the ocean. There was a lot of darkness on the horizon-but none of it was near. Out on the pier fisherman pack up their rods and frozen fish as young couples kiss under the slowly rising moonlight. Tim was waiting for the stars, but all he could see was one full moon.

Busloads of tourists walk down the beach taking pictures, devouring breath after breath of fresh sea air. They head towards the omniscient neon glow of the miniature golf place, where they will be greeted by a giant, concrete Koala. It’s light blue eyes will pierce through the night sky and the carnival music will ring through the park until the late hours of the evening.

A group of workmen sit on a bench near Tim, they laugh and drink and eat fish and chips. It was the end of a long week and they knew it. For them, there was plenty to laugh about, it was the first time in a long time any of them had money. Tim digs his hand into the sand amongst the soft grass and looks up at the enormous Ferris Wheel. His green eyes water in its presence, the wheel shone light over everyone and everything.

The night ends and time marches on.


(My intention is to now juxtapose this night, of my town in its prime, with my town in its current decrepit state).

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