Weekend Woes

On Friday in the editing suites where I revealed to Robin I had asked only one actor, without getting a response he looked at me and said ‘Stop being so linear’ referring to my systematic approach to getting this task done. E.G Not approaching any actor until the script had been through 3-4 revisions. So on Friday Night I looked at my calendar and realised I was approaching Week 10 with just a script, no location or actors.

On Friday I called my too potential Stars, unfortunately neither answered my phone. On Saturday I left them both Facebook messages with the script attached-no reply. So on Sunday I called once more, my lead actor Jordan confirmed he wanted to do it-albeit he works five days a week and doesn’t know what days he will be working until the Sunday of the previous weeks, he said he was free Tuesday and Friday this week.

I then called my actress, well sort of, she had a busy weekend and missed my calls, I knew she went to Church on Sunday Night with a mate of mine-who is a much more reliable phone picker-upperer, so he did and because he is such a great mate he went over to her and handed her is phone, fortunately she agreed with enthusiasm to act in the project, but alas on Tuesdays and Fridays she isn’t free this week, which means I have to wait until next Sunday until I find out Jordans weekly timetable and hope for it too match Katies. Again, this put me in a huge panic and I began to think of potential backup actors in case their schedules didn’t match up that week.

I then realised that I wrote this script with those two in mind for each of the characters-I was tempted with the idea of myself portraying man 1, however I am far to precious and anxious to let anyone else handle the camera duties. Can you see my conundrum?

Then it hit me, purely to get the film made, the way I intend it to be made, I may have to film at night-a challenge no doubt, but when thinking about it, it could potentially add a lot to my work.


The other issue I conquered this week was of location, up there road from me there is a public, but unused, bike trail that follows along an aqueduct next to the trail is government owned paddocks. In one of these paddocks, at the top of the hill is the remnants of a house that got burned down in the 1960’s (I heard an older man lecturing his son this as they rode past). This location is desolate, overgrown (but still practical) for shooting and too be honest quite eery-its also only a 3 minute drive from my house.

I now have actors, a script and a location. Now I just need a date.

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