Elevator Edit- Brydan Meredith


I think I’ll talk a bit less about my premier abilities in this post and more on the thought process behind the aesthetic decisions.

This edit was a bit of an abstract one, practically because I didn’t have a heck of a lot of footage to edit with and there also didn’t seem to be enough action in the shot to warrant multiple edits without creating weird jump cuts.

The idea behind this, is that the character trying to get onto the lift is antagonised by the thought of someone bumping into him and/or he has been bowled over in the past by the same antagonist who bowls him over in the lift at the end. It is up for interpretation.

One of the key choices I made was to have the character wait for a considerable amount of time between the flashbacks and the actual opening up. This was done to create tension, after including quick flashbacks every couple of seconds, I chose not to continue to flash back in order for the audience to feel tension, as if something that should be happening isn’t it and something of the ordinary, something bad is about to happen, and rather eerily it does.

I was proud of this edit because I turned what was filmed, a farcical attempt to board a lift, into something much darker- a psychological drama of sorts. To me it felt as though I was doing my job as the editor by creating new meaning to the pre-existing footage and stamping my own ideas on it. To me not is that quite exciting, but it also emphasises the power of editing-which I didn’t exploit in my first ‘Basketball Edit’ which was rather practical.

In terms of Premier I was able to separate the audio track taken from the camera and fill in silent bits with atmosphere noise. This edit took me much less time than the other, because I felt better acquainted with the program, which is also a plus.

What Didn’t Work.

– I think lack of shots restricted the potential of the scene and editing process, however, I believe it was prescribed in the task too only take one shot. In the long run this forced me to think out of the box whilst in the edit suites.

– Lack of shots. We only had two takes,though I drew from both, one of the takes was quite scrappy and didn’t quite go as planned-students walked in the way of the camera and the timing of the lift messed up.

-Exporting. Again, this video looked great on the Editing Suites but once it got turned into an Mp4 file and put on a USB it lost a lot of quality.


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