Week 4-Tutorial
In this week’s tutorial we got given time to work edit and work on ‘Project Brief 2’. I think one of the things I walked away happiest about after this tutorial was a cut I managed to do with an image of Bob Dylan. As I talked about my love for music (through the use of overdubbed narration) I had a shot of him on a magazine cover looking dreary, I then cut to a close-up emphasising Bob’s dreariness and pain. This contrasted nicely to my narration which talked of how music allows me to clear my thoughts.
I also came up with an idea to give my project brief 2 some ‘breathing space’, I decided to put a comedic excerpt in the middle of my music montage to make my video a bit more diverse, but to not suffocate it through the repetition of the music and feel. I also tried to have a quick cut from video to montage for a comedic effect.