[The Story Lab] Is It Tomorrow Yet?
Here it is. The End(?)
Let’s all agree to disagree, that The Story Lab has been (mostly) about transmedia. Transmedia is important, don’t get me wrong. It has and will be, a crucial element to storytelling. Such examples include a post I wrote earlier in this course, the Matrix franchise, The Dark Knight’s marketing strategy, etc. What I am trying to say is, the concept of transmedia is easily grasped, but it isn’t the same in terms of application.
I only came to realise that there was so much more planning required to transmedia storytelling in the later stages of our preproduction. It was then too late for us, to implement any sort of strategy to execute a successful transmedia story. Thus, the transmedia element in our final project, which was a Facebook page, merely acted as an entry point for our viewers, and it did not contribute much to the narrative as much as we hoped it would.
Tl;dr: More practical, less theory.