[The Story Lab] Sessions



App Game (Written by Sarah)

The app will have a few elements to it. It will be quite a simple set-up like maybe birds eye view. Pretty much exercises your stalker skills. You will play Leo the stalker, who’s goal in the game is to win Steve’s heart. There will be a bar in the game representing steve’s heart and there are a few ways to fill up the bar. The best way to do this is by learning as much as you can about steve so you can impress him. On of the missions is breaking into steve’s house and maybe read his diary. Easier ways is to serf the wb, enroll into his classes so you can watch his mannerisms in person. When you’ve gotten past the half way mar of the game a notification will appear on your facebook and you see rose and steve are talking. Your progress shown on the Steve’s heart bar dramatically decreases and to prevent losing anymore your final goal is to prevent the agent ding this and hence kill rose. Do this successfully without getting caught and the game will end with you swooping in and impressing steve in his vulnerable state.

Lose and Steve will kill you.

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