Is the grass really greener on the other side?

You see, I had this perception that is drilled in my head that I will live a wonderful life. I’m not saying that it is bad, but when things don’t go my way (which always happens), I get frustrated. I lie awake at night torturing myself over what I should do next, wondering what I am missing out on. I feel like I’m wasting my life if I’m not doing something more important. This is when I start to compare myself to people who have ‘better’ lives than me. I become unhappy and spend all of my time and energy focusing on what I don’t have instead of counting my blessings.

I could be so caught up in life that I tend to forget to stop to actually see and appreciate. I often find myself achieving something and still not being satisfied about it. I make myself do things that I thought would make me a happier person. I leap over the other side of the fence where I thought the grass would be greener, but in the end I found out that it was no different. And then I start to think about the grass being greener elsewhere.

Is it? I’m stuck.


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