Network Media: The What and Why
I think that blogs are one of the most prominent platforms for content sharing, personally or professionally. I have been doing readings, analyzing and making blog posts about them, but it only just occurred to me, why am I doing it?
My usual self would be just to make sure that I don’t fail the course and end up taking it all over again (part of me still does), but now I realize I am actually distributing and contributing information to a huge network in which is, if not, known to all, the Internet. I mean, if it weren’t for network media, the general information sharing process would be still so far behind.
Here is a general definition of Networked Media:
“Networked Media is considered content which is created, distributed and used on mobile devices or networked computers, predominantly via the Internet and wireless services. It is distinguished from traditional one-to-one telecommunications, and from one-to-many broadcast networks, by being a global array of publicly accessible many-to-many networks which enables participation and contribution of content.” – National Film and Sound Archive
Network Media advances on par with technology. In an epoch of increasingly rapid innovation, network media is becoming more essential to life as it may seem. This may be too much of a generalization but I personally do not consider a research ‘extensive’ if I am to rely purely on printed media. It is undeniable that the mere existence of networked media has, in some way, allowed greater dogmatic and collective discussion and, in broad terms, the improvement of life. It is considered as more of a practice for the users as they receive constructive criticism on their work, which I think is also one of the many reasons why this course has implemented blogging as the main platform for information sharing and dissemination.
It is kind of early in the course to write about a post about the course itself, I think that this post acts as a checkpoint as to what I’ve learnt so far.
Here is a video that further explains network media: