The Secret Life of Everyone

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind the walls, draw closer to find each other, and to feel.” – The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

The recent major motion picture, based on the short story by James Thurber, stars Ben Stiller working in a magazine company and is a constant daydreamer. The art direction of the movie literally blew me away, from the majestic landscape of Iceland, grand view of the Himalayas, to the marvelous shots of the city.

Walter took responsibility of his family after the death of his father, and at the same time gave up on his dream as a skateboarder. Life took over. Despite the plot being similar to ‘Nebraska’, in which the story revolves around the main character finding their self by going on a journey, the visual imagery seems to compensate for it.

Overall, the movie meant well. A lot could be cut down and be simplified. From what I know, it got slammed by critics by being too generic. But I’d recommend you watch it if you’re in dire need of motivation!

Also, Sean Penn is (as usual) awesome.



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