Design… what?

It seems apparent that design fiction will become a prominent platform for experimenting, learning, and practice in academia, or in other words, design fiction as pedagogic practice.  One of the definitions of design fiction is “an approach to design that speculates about new ideas through prototyping and storytelling”, as said by Torie Bosch in her article.

“It’s the deliberate use of diegetic prototypes to suspend disbelief of change.” – Bruce Sterling

This is one of the examples of design fiction that I think is worth noting,

From what I understand, design fiction is learning through imagination, considering the fact that the human mind is the most powerful tool one could have. I mean, just a decade ago we were talking about automated cars.

I agree on the note that Ward has pointed out in his work, saying that tons of unwanted or unused proposals, prototypes and concepts are thrown out there. The only thing that’s stopping us from realizing is the practicality, possibility and temporality.  Given the progress of technology and the ever growing field of design fiction, imaginations may soon become reality.

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