Reflection on Collaboration

Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to coaborrate with a few people from class, and in one word I would describe the experience to be pretty exciting.

In my experimental video, I’ve asked help from Jaimie, Siobhan and Matt to help complete my video. I also had an external help from a guy named Bryan to be my second camera operator. It was exciting to coordinate the crew, Jaimie being my “stand in person” so I could get the framing right before asking Siobhan, my actress to come in for the shoot. This helped my actress get in to her mood for acting, while the others could take a break before shooting the next scene.

Besides that, Matt was really helpful in giving me suggestions on how I should shoot my film, which I really took in to view. Besides that, he also kept me on schedule, understanding that the whole crew was busy later that afternoon, Matt kept me on track and ensured that I finished early.

The biggest help I received was from Bryan, having a second camera operator meant that I didn’t have to reshoot a scene several time to cover multiple angles. For the fighting scene in my film, my actor and actress only had to act 3 times before we got the whole footages. This really eased my job and it saved time for the crew as well.

Overall, I was very grateful that I could work with such a hardworking and talented bunch of people. I learnt a lot from working with others, and I was inspired to shoot better as a filmmaker as well. Being able to work with a crew allowed me to improve my communication skills. I believe this class has really lifted my confidence and hopefully I can do much better in my filmmaking career.

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