Class Preparation

In the planning stage for our short film “TOMORROW”, it was proved important for us to meet in class weekly as all of us have a different schedule. During this stage, my role as a cinematographer was to visualize the the looks of the story and how the film would play out. Besides that, working in a team of 4, it was important that all of us were on the same page and direction of the film. We spent about 3-2 weeks planning on the dates of the shoot, and tried to cover all aspect of the films as much as possible. Below is the attachment for the planning of the film.

Schedule for the film:


Working with a new group of people from the class that I’ve only just met for barely a semester proved to be quite an interesting challenge. Interesting for the fact that each of us had our own perspective of transmedia storytelling, and a challenge because I have yet to sharpen my communication skills. Even though communicating with the group proved to be a problem for me, I tried my best to communicate with them and contribute in to making a better film. All in all, I’m really enjoying working with my team, it really gives me a new perspective with working with other people.

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