Fall Off

Based on the research of “The Matrix”, I now understood the use of a fall off. In the first Matrix movie, the lack of information caused a great amount of confusion for a lot of people. The minimal information given to the audience developed an interest among the Matrix fan that caused a high expectation for the sequels.

The Animatrix served as an extension to the Matrix movie, providing fans a series of beautifully done film in an anime form by Japanese animators. Some of these films provide stories that is crucial to the plot of the story, and the rest doesn’t relate at all but contributes to the main story in small ways, such as Matrix references.

These small hidden messages causes an interest to the Matrix fan base around the world. Crazy fans are will to dig for information in order to understand the Matrix in a deeper depth. These methods done by the Wachowski Brothers definitely proves the use of transmedia storytelling. It not only gives other people to contribute to the original film, but it also keeps loyal fans to crave for more of what to expect of the Matrix.

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