24.04.2018 Class Feedback

Feedback from our presentation:

  • The class was naive to the logistics of busking and the process of site decisions
  • Comments made on the use of empty space and in particular the manipulation of my footage and how I edited it as though I removed the buskers with photoshop
  • Questioning our distance from the subjects. Felt as though we were nervous to enter other peoples sacred places and film up close, everything felt a little bit distant. This provokes the question as to whether entering someone else’s sacred place can remove the sacredness for them.
  • Future assessment looking at focusing on an individual as opposed to the space they consume. Potential for interviewing a busker, finding their story and seeing the life outside of busking and how it is effected by the busking world. How the two worlds collide and influence each other.
  • Liked the image of the buskers seen through the bars of a chair, representing the laws and limitations
  • Most people new that you had to have a permit but didn’t know what getting a permit consisted of and what happens once you have one.

From here I think it is best to investigate the concept of interviews. It may be that we need to interview multiple buskers in order to discover an influential story. To do so, we can attend another busking meeting on a Wednesday morning and pitch the idea, otherwise to speak to busker individually as they setup for performances or take breaks etc.

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