08.05.2018 Assessment 4 Pt 1

Tuesdays site visit provided us with an opportunity to connect with different buskers and begin the formation of relationships. One being @benwhitingmusic and the other a group formed of three members @amberisles. We discussed the prospect of hosting an interview with both and gained their consent to contact them to organise further.

Alyssa is now taking charge of Ben Whiting, whilst I focus on Ambersiles. They have not yet responded to me to setup a meeting date, however were enthusiastic about working with me when we met at Bourke St.

Alyssa and I have now created a google doc in order to gather questions we wish to ask during the interview process and the angles taken. We are still unsure as to whether we wish to ask the same questions to each performer or take alternative approaches. It could be a good way to show the contrast between different buskers and their contrasting motivations.


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