10.04.2018 Discussion of Sacred Places

Today we discussed the notion of place, what defines sacredness and how one place can have meaning for one person and mean nothing to another.

To me I associate a sacred place with memory. For example if I am to go home to my parents house in NSW there are places throughout the environment which I associate with my childhood which I define as sacred. The cubby house I built in year 5 which remains touched only by weather and the passing of time. The hill in which my brother made a hut overlooking our property. A place which has limited access due to rocky hills and gullies. No road leads to this place, nor the remains of one, we are granted access through our memory of the route to take and the process of trial and error in our past.

For other people, sacred places are associated with religion or culture. We discussed in class the sacredness of the MCG. As a MCC member myself I have a connection to the space. The space represents a community and Australian culture.


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