WEEK 3: 15.03.2018

Today we explored the program Audacity. Developing basic skills, how to use loops, edit pitch and import sounds. We began to hear the endless possibilities available from a singular sound as each of us created a different loop. Receiving multiple strange looks as we walked throughout building 12 playing our different creations. Observing the echoes provided by the walls and the effect each material had when reflecting off it.

I have decided upon 4 words for the assessment, strength, inner peace, light and green. While all seem straight forward, there are many ways to interpret each. In particular, I am interested in the exploration of the word strength. Whilst you immediately think of physical strength and the ability to lift heavy objects, strength can be taken a step further. Mental strength is something which cannot be measured and is more often than not unseen. The simple act of getting up in the morning often take a large amount of will power. Such will power is shown everyday un our lives and often we don’t recognise it ourselves.

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