WEEK 2: 08.03.2018

Reflection 2: WEEK 2: 08.03.2018

This week I experimented with the association between eyes and ears. I visited a playground sitting with my eyes shut and simply listening to the sound. Whilst I could guess what each sound was, my orientation was lost. Sound echoes through tunnels, rebounds of slides and appeared to surround me at every angle. Children screamed, laughed and cried constantly.

I then switched, blocking my ears and simply observing my surroundings. The contrast was incredible, whilst I could grasp a greater understanding as to where to previous sounds had been formed, I was reading the emotions of children by their faces as opposed to their voices.

Posing the question, do we draw conclusions of situation via our sense of sound or sight. A combination of both can be understood, however each provides an entirely different resource of information.

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