WEEK 1: 28.02.2018

Reflection 1: WEEK 1: 28.02.2018

Todays class provoked the idea of memories. As each student recalled the earliest memory from their childhood, an interesting pattern began to form. It appeared that most first memories are connected to either a strong emotion or one of our senses. For example, my memory surrounds the day an ant was in my eye. I believe that it is so memorable because of the pain I felt, as well as the sense of taste I recall when my dad gave me a chocolate in order for him to get the bug out. The psychology of memories has been analysed in many ways, but through the use of media I feel like we may discover another aspect.

The way in which we listen is different for each person. For me I focus mostly on direct noise, people speaking to me, bells on trams warning me they are coming, the tick of traffic lights indicated to walk. Although I notice background noise, I subconsciously hear it as opposed to actively listening. As I sit writing this I can currently here the hum of the fridge, a singular leaf outside being pushed by the wind, the sound of my fingers typing, faint cars on the road, the ticking clock in the next room, occasional birds. However usually that noise blends behind whatever it is i am listening to primarily.

Throughout the week we have undergone various listening activities to provoke our senses. Visiting numerous sites to sit in silence and record everything we could hear. Each setting provided a scripted soundscape, as though the progression of noises had been designed for us. We soon developed the ability to focus on different sounds and block out others.

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