It is what it is.

Tag Reflection

Semester 1 – Final Reflection – Media 1

I don’t think that there has been a time where I’ve felt like my skills where too far behind or very negative. Thankfully, this whole course has been very well organised and regulated so that people like me (with little… Continue Reading →

Aussie Outlanders- An Online Community

Facebook.  It’s an online site with 1.59 billion active users (no doubt including you and I).  Yes it’s a community, but there isn’t really any intimacy within a community of 1.59 billion.  This is where Facebook ‘groups’ enter the scenario. … Continue Reading →

PB3 Film Festival

In class this morning, we had a mini-film festival of all the works from our project brief’s (3).  It was nice to see that everyone was feeling quite similar in regards to nerves and having their work shown in front… Continue Reading →

“Social Media and the Future of Political Narrative.” Week 7

The World Wide Web is a tool for global communication.  This actually links to my pop culture topic that I’m studying at the moment– globalisation and how the world’s reduction in size due to transport and communication has created global… Continue Reading →

Interview Struggles

I’ve spent all afternoon cutting out “ums” and “uhhh’s” from my interview and I need a break!  All the content I’m going through seems to really fit what I’m trying to achieve through my project.  The audio is inspiring and… Continue Reading →

NetMed Workshop- Week 6

Simulacrum or Simulacra (plural) A diverse (seemingly dystopian) term I had never heard of let alone attempt it’s pronunciation.   It is a historically ingrained term based around the theory of Jean Baudrillard where representations imitate reality.  It is broken… Continue Reading →

Narrative and Fairytales- Lecture Week 6

In relation to our upcoming project 3, discussing narratives and to an extent, fairytales will help allow us to characterise our interviewee.  I have created a hypothesis in my head that I want to establish my interviewee (Cormack) as a… Continue Reading →

Media 1 Week 6

Beginning the lectorial of week 6 we have been told that we aren’t contributing enough to our blogs.  I know that I am guilty of speaking in professional and scholarly tones and I actually struggle with writing in a humorous… Continue Reading →

NetMed- Reflection

They say time flies when you’re having fun (an obvious cliche), but four weeks have raced past me as I have been stimulated and enthralled in this blogging experience.  Starting with only the most basic knowledge of blogging (Facebook posting and… Continue Reading →

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