Bronte Inez

It is what it is.



PB4 Meeting – 24/5/16

Today, we have all finally reached a point of health where we have been able to leave the house and physically meet as a group.  This was very beneficial as we were able to discuss where everyone was up to… Continue Reading →

Note To Group

Note to group: Do not make a statement without supporting research.  We cannot just say that “media is negatively impacting the audience” or “Media’s representation of beauty is unnatural and is dangerous to young women’s mental health.”  We need all the… Continue Reading →

PB4 – It’s Coming Along!

Today in our workshop we received our marks back for PB3 – luckily I wasn’t too disappointed.  It was actually quite a productive workshop where we all were able to improve our questions for PB4 and have some class feedback…. Continue Reading →

Annotated Bibliography?

You know what are unusually difficult?  Annotated bibliographies.  It sounds so simple and mundane however, I have literally never annotated a bibliography in my life.  I’ve followed the steps in the documents provided for us and completed this task but… Continue Reading →

PB4 Minutes – April 26th – Meeting 1

Tuesday- 26th April First meeting: 1 hour First look at the collaborative contract Talked about all of us gathering information about audiences- bringing it back on Thursday and we can see if we have differences to talk about for each… Continue Reading →

PB4 – Meeting 1

This morning my group had our first ever project brief 4 meeting! Okay, it was only two out of the three of us who showed up (maybe not a good start to the communication/team work process) but at this point… Continue Reading →

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