Bronte Inez

It is what it is.



NetMed Workshop- Week 6

Simulacrum or Simulacra (plural) A diverse (seemingly dystopian) term I had never heard of let alone attempt it’s pronunciation.   It is a historically ingrained term based around the theory of Jean Baudrillard where representations imitate reality.  It is broken… Continue Reading →

Alternate Media

I left our workshop today feeling pressured if not inspired to pay more attention to the world around me.  I have already discovered that the world is so involved in media in their everyday lives, but today I was once… Continue Reading →

NetMed- Reflection

They say time flies when you’re having fun (an obvious cliche), but four weeks have raced past me as I have been stimulated and enthralled in this blogging experience.  Starting with only the most basic knowledge of blogging (Facebook posting and… Continue Reading →

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