It is what it is.

Tag Blogging

PB3 Update

Yesterday I spent my day working away on my project brief.  I had previously posted about how I didn’t have a narrative structure and I was a little bit worried about this.  We talked in our week 6 workshop about… Continue Reading →

NetMed Week 6

Today we discussed technology in regards to culture.  Culture meaning: social organisations, traditions, art, religion etc.  And technology mediums such as: writing, print, radio, cinema, TV and internet.  Not all cultures have access to certain technologies, so we looked at… Continue Reading →

Narrative and Fairytales- Lecture Week 6

In relation to our upcoming project 3, discussing narratives and to an extent, fairytales will help allow us to characterise our interviewee.  I have created a hypothesis in my head that I want to establish my interviewee (Cormack) as a… Continue Reading →

NetMed- Reflection

They say time flies when you’re having fun (an obvious cliche), but four weeks have raced past me as I have been stimulated and enthralled in this blogging experience.  Starting with only the most basic knowledge of blogging (Facebook posting and… Continue Reading →

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