Bronte Inez

It is what it is.



Week 10 – Initiative Post

Wow, it’s already week 10?  This course has flown so quickly and I have actually been enjoying every minute of it.  Today is Mother’s day, but due to the fact that I moved interstate and my Mum is all the… Continue Reading →

Improving Books – Week 9 NetMed Reading

How can you mechanically improve a book? Can you? Maybe ‘improve’ isn’t the best word.  I guess you can’t really improve a book, but you can recreate this book digitally and use hypertext to link it to a multitude of… Continue Reading →

PB3 Update

Yesterday I spent my day working away on my project brief.  I had previously posted about how I didn’t have a narrative structure and I was a little bit worried about this.  We talked in our week 6 workshop about… Continue Reading →

PB3 Update

So right now I’m laying on the lounge feeling crippled and cramped in my back from focusing in on my computer since 10am at least.  Working on this project for 5 hours straight has allowed me to see things clearer…. Continue Reading →

Narrative Structure in PB3

A few reflective questions on my upcoming project brief: What is the ‘controlling idea’ (Robert McKee) of your portrait? In other words, what is the most interesting thing about your participant/interviewee that you want to communicate? I think my interviewee… Continue Reading →

Media 1 Week 6- Workshop

Today we received are marks back.  We were in a room of mixed emotions with the results of our first ever media 1 assignment.  Yes, I was very nervous to open that document, but thankfully I wasn’t disappointed with my… Continue Reading →

The Discipline of Noticing

I love that noticing is such a mundane and everyday act that we are unintentionally trained to do since being born through cognitive development, but it is also such a complex act that maybe we actually have no idea how to… Continue Reading →

Workshop- Week 5

Today’s workshop was actually quite fun.  We had a task to complete that involved us leaving the classroom and filming interviews.  Thankfully I had the best partner, Jake.  I am very new to filming and the world of cameras and… Continue Reading →

Week 5- What Is An Online Community?

What is an online community?  The very basic thought that comes to mind is Facebook groups.  A shared experience where people can be connected through common interests and likes. Another experience of an online community stems from the Websites such… Continue Reading →

Media 1 Lectorial- Week 5

Once again, an intriguing and captivating lectorial.  There’s something about our media 1 teachers that keeps me engaged.  You can just see in their enthusiasm and smiles that they love their job which means they put all their effort into… Continue Reading →

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