It is what it is.

Category Networked Media

Finding Your Community- Week 8 Reading- NetMed

This week’s reading was definitely way more easy to digest than previous readings.  It seemed to more directly link to what we are actually doing.  It was seemingly more relevant – probably because it was more understandable.  The reading was… Continue Reading →

Audience Interaction – The Whole Point of Being Online

Just a quick blog post to highlight how media plays such an important role in my life. So, yesterday morning I made a status on Facebook – It was quite meaningful and definitely deserving of a few ‘likes’.  I received… Continue Reading →


Oh look, now I’ve got your attention.  Sex is very natural and very intimate, but imagine trying to perform this sacred act all for the sake of media– for television and film.  I imagine it would be extremely awful and… Continue Reading →

Face to Face Conversation… What?!

Right now I’m sitting on my phone as I’m stuck in traffic on the 11 tram- trying to make my way into the city to get to class on time. I’m looking around the tram and literally every single person… Continue Reading →

Networked Media Lecture- Week 7

This week we looked at online communities and the roles that we play with our online presence.  This lecture seemed to take me back to early on in the course where I was trying to establish myself as an online… Continue Reading →

“Social Media and the Future of Political Narrative.” Week 7

The World Wide Web is a tool for global communication.  This actually links to my pop culture topic that I’m studying at the moment– globalisation and how the world’s reduction in size due to transport and communication has created global… Continue Reading →

Poison Apple?

I’m going to give you a little insight into my experience with computers thus far. In 2014 I was given a Mac Book Pro for my birthday.  It was an exciting new toy that I was going to use for… Continue Reading →

The Kwik-E-Mart or 7/11?

Okay, so this morning I was laying on the floor scrolling through my Instagram (as a way to procrastinate the dreaded project brief 3 assignment) when I came across the 7/11 Instagram page.  A sudden thought hit me.  7/11, particularly… Continue Reading →

NetMed Workshop- Week 6

Simulacrum or Simulacra (plural) A diverse (seemingly dystopian) term I had never heard of let alone attempt it’s pronunciation.   It is a historically ingrained term based around the theory of Jean Baudrillard where representations imitate reality.  It is broken… Continue Reading →

Technological Determinism- Week 6

Technological Determinism– The age where technology determines change.  This relates back to the Victorian era to mean social progress.  This idea describes technology as independent with its “own course of development and it’s own of  consequences.”  All these technological tools are… Continue Reading →

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