Today, we have all finally reached a point of health where we have been able to leave the house and physically meet as a group.  This was very beneficial as we were able to discuss where everyone was up to in their research and editing of footage on ‘body image’ and the impact the media’s representation of body image has on an audience.

We discussed having Mia speak to her Grandma (a professional feminist – a professional on our topic) so we could have a voice of reason and experience in our audio essay.  it also would give the audio an intriguing and interesting voice so the audience will hopefully stay more engaged with the essay when the time comes.

We also spoke about which direction to take the editing of the video essay and what footage we need to incorporate to make it seem more like an essay.  What were are thinking is that, our interpretation of a video essay is what we are producing and I’m very excited to see the finished product.  It is really moving me as a young female and it is striking the alarming amount of negative statistics we have found in relation to body image.  So, yes we have research and information but we have also included an array of personal experience from bloggers, famous people to everyday people.  With the inclusion of certain music we have been able to highlight how famous people/person feels about the pressure of the media on her as a female in the public light.