For this weeks reading, I found my own research on ‘audience’.  Looking through the RMIT library I never realised what a wonderful resource it is.  I came across this article that gave me some insight into audience which I hadn’t even considered:

Audience : Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans and Followers (Rohrs, Jeffrey K.; Stewart, Morgan)

The text speak about audience in an array of subjects, particular in our modern day society.   One aspect of audience I hadn’t considered was in regard to corporate companies and how gaining an audience to their business is how they survive.  Through advertising and carefully selecting a target audience, these businesses are able to substantially grow their economy or, rather end up in financial debt depending on how successful the advertising is at bringing an audiences’ attention to the company.

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Gaining an audience and continuing this momentum is hard.  Audiences are the consumers and the money spenders in relation to businesses’.  So, without an audience (consumer) these companies cannot hope to exist.