Tuesday- 26th April

First meeting: 1 hour

  • First look at the collaborative contract
  • Talked about all of us gathering information about audiences- bringing it back on Thursday and we can see if we have differences to talk about for each form of essay: audio and video
  • Research what an audio essay is
  • Research what a video essay is
  • We looked at our collaborative contract and had a discussion on what we wanted to achieve within our essays
  • Diary= yourself as an audience – there is always an audience
  • “If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, did it still make a noise?”
  • We wrote out our goals in our collaborative contract
  • Borrow appropriate equipment from RMIT – by week 11
  • Decided to assign some tasks for this week:

Research audio/ video essays- Compile 3 sources on each (with notes)- for annotated bibliography-  write 500 words on audience for each video/audio essay

  • We all work on the same information- evenly collaborating and on our Thursday meeting bring all of our research together and compile it into something cohesive
  • Audience doesn’t have to be entertainment – phones require audience


Audio Essay:

  • Atmospheric sounds (found footage)
  • Voice over (created footage)
  • Radio (found footage)
  • Spot sounds of the computer and texting on phone etc (created footage)
  • Copyright free music (found footage)

Quoted footage (found footage)

Video Essay:

  • Voice over (created footage)
  • Old fashion footage (found footage)
  • Different types of audience (found footage)
  • Technology (created footage)
  • Old fashion count down on film reel (found footage)
  • Recorded video (created footage
  • Sound (found and created footage)

* By Thursday- decide on what we want to focus on in each essay i.e. what aspect of audience