Today we are going to dive deeper into the blogging world and explore our own pages.  We were asked to bring in some images, audio and video to contribute into our blog.  Being the perfectionist I am, I haven’t grasped the technicalities of videography yet, so you won’t see any of that…just yet.  I am exploring video currently in media 1, so it’ll be interesting to see how that pans out.  I’ve never been interested or inspired to research into video– So here I am, behind on my skills.  Anyway, I’m going to focus on audio and photographs today.

I am aiming to have a fairly minimalist blog.  I am not generally a person you will see in colour.  My wardrobe consists of black and white and even the colourful clothes that I do own have probably been worn once maximum.  So in an attempt to not saturate my blog with too much colour, I’ve chosen some images of my self in black and white.  I’m not a colour loving person, but I am a colourful person.


This is me at this exact moment.  I love a good ‘selfie’.  I’m also in the midst of a hair crisis…To cut or not to cut.  I’m thinking of taking it from my hips all the way up to my shoulders.  But that’s another story I could talk about until the sun sets…and then rises again.