Bronte Inez

It is what it is.


August 2017

Week 5 Update!

During week 5, it was mine and Michael’s task to film an update so the media world, and our fellow classmates could see what we have been up to in our studio. 

Fri-yay Interview Day

Friday was interview day. We spent the class discussing interview forms and techniques, then we were sent on our way!

Project Brief 2

Documentary has always been a tad vague to me. I’ve never been too concerned with non-fiction as I saw television as a time to escape, rather than be immersed in intellectual discussion.

Interview orrrrrr…

Today in class we had a play with some cameras and performed an interview. 

Audio and Interview

Today we had a huge discussion about audio and interview. We often forget about how important audio is, but it is arguable, that audio is just as important as images… if not more. 

Progress Report

This week has been a fairly productive week. I’ve been corresponding with a non-for-profit organisation over the course of the week and trying to set up some sort of meeting to begin my documentary. 

The Ethics of Documentary

In any relationship, trust is a key component to maintaining good faith. Documentary is no different. 

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