I don’t particularly like back dating blog posts so I want to post about some assessment work my group completed last week. We hired a room in the basement of building 9 and started to record our audio essay.  Finally! We all had certain ideas of how mass media had impacted us as individuals so we decided to introduce how we have been impacted as an audience individually. We ended up recording our discussion for about 45 minutes (surprisingly long) and then finished. Yes, even though the room is soundproofed there were a substantial amount of outside noises which called for an atmosphere track to be recorded.  Hopefully these bumps and thuds don’t distract the viewer from our discussion too much. Also, hopefully the Zoom H2N recorder isn’t as powerful that I anticipate it to be.

I took the recordings home to work on them and clip and cut them into something (hopefully) coherent.  So, here I am working on the audio essay and listening to the footage which is quite interesting. Yet, it’s a struggle to figure out what is interesting vs what is relevant.  I really thought we would never get our audio essay completed!  But now I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. Two days of editing to go and then it’s due. Eeeeep! I’d better keep working.