Wow, it’s already week 10?  This course has flown so quickly and I have actually been enjoying every minute of it.  Today is Mother’s day, but due to the fact that I moved interstate and my Mum is all the way up in the Hunter Valley I thought I would get some university work completed.  Thank God for technology and media though right?  I woke up this morning and texted my Mum to jump on Skype to have a quick chat.  I was able to wish her a “happy Mother’s day” while seeing her face respond and her glowing smile.  Technology is such an integral part to my life and communicating with my family that I don’t think I even realise the extent that I am consumed in it.  I text my parents “good morning” and “good night” everyday while also utilising phone calls and Skype.  It’s a constant stream of digital media to enable important communication.

Right now I feel a little swamped.  I’m an organisation ‘freak’ and I have 3 group assessments at the one time.  I’m also craving an ‘autumn clean’ and a re-organisation of my apartment.  I don’t think this was a very ‘smart’ way to design the course with each subject having group assignments all at the same time.  We are trying to (in my case) organise 3 groups, keep them all motivated, make sure everyone is working, ensure each person is completing quality work and then trying very hard to just ‘let go’ and do my own work and let each member complete their own standard of work.  It’s a little stressful because I’m not sure where everyone is at.  I don’t know if people are working or waiting for some one else to do it.  I can only send so many Facebook messages (and not hear back) until I end up doing the work myself.  I guess that’s what group work is about – teaching us how to loosen up and trust other people.