Hypermedia: Assessment 3

Today we had our first look at networked media assessment 3.  My group has already worked on some ideas that we are quite excited about.  We think our ideas create some originality while still keeping with the theme of hypermedia and how to create an active narrative… Stay tuned.

We chose our group name as something similar to the 3 musketeers: La Pinta, la Nina e la Santa Maria

What are some qualities of a hypermedia story?

A hypermedia is an interactive online story.  There isn’t a linear narration (multi-linearity) – the audience is the leader and chooses the direction of the story.  Hypermedia stories can utilise hypertext to link to other websites and they rely on interactivity.

  • More immersive – ‘ludic’
  • Links through media other than text are used e.g. photographs or illustrations

What are some of the affordances – i.e. what does it allow that other forms don’t?

  • Encourages interaction
  • It’s digital
  • Can be accessible on multiple devices
  • Reader determines the path of the story
  • Readily combine media

What are some challenges we face in writing one?

  • Allowing audience engagement
  • Catering to an audience – underage/appropriate?
  • Dealing with audience expectation
  • Fluidity of the narrative