I left our workshop today feeling pressured if not inspired to pay more attention to the world around me.  I have already discovered that the world is so involved in media in their everyday lives, but today I was once again shocked to see the amount of media we are saturated in everyday.  Often this is unknowingly happening to us.  I decided to try and look at media in some new mediums today, so I went on an expedition through Melbourne and here is what I found:      Untitled


We have art.  But not just art, we actually have this media being made.  We can see an actual physical involvement with media.






We also have written media which is encouraging protest.  I thought this was quite interesting as it is a media that is encouraging physical activism.  It is using this widely accessed position to encourage community.




Another form of media I found was an advertisement of another form of media (the Comedy Festival).  Voice is considered a text (media) and comedy is entertaining, so this is kind of like media within media.  The inception of media.