Today’s workshop was actually quite fun.  We had a task to complete that involved us leaving the classroom and filming interviews.  Thankfully I had the best partner, Jake.  I am very new to filming and the world of cameras and he is very knowledgeable.  As a singer, microphones make more sense to me than cameras.  Although, by playing around on a camera I can usually manage my way about.

We headed down to level 4 where it was too noisy, then back up to level 9.  We walked around searching for a quiet spot to film and found some red, squishy chairs to do a little recording.  Jake and I will be working on this footage later on in the week, but I thought I would share our first test shot using video cameras– Media 1, year 1, semester 1.

00005 from Bronte Godschalk on Vimeo.