YES!  Another video.  I always feel like such a lazy human when I’m give a video rather than words for a reading.  I just enjoy the differences in audio and visual learning and quite often, an audio sinks into my brain a little better.  Also, being that we are all here studying a communications course, I think it’s constructive that we are given different forms of communication and media to learn from.

Gauntlett discusses his book “Making Media Studies.”  It was quite interesting to hear another description of what media is after weeks of trying to understand the basics of media.  The video stresses the benefits of media rather than focussing on the negatives it may instigate.  He speaks of the productivity media can have and how we, as fellow custodians of technology should learn through being involved in media rather than simply learning about media.  We want to move forward with media.  It’s about transforming and refreshing our creative ideas.

Media is a means where we can all communicate and ‘share’ experiences and opinions.  It is a two-way street of communication.  To progress our lives and the people around us both physically and online.  Media has become a key component within all of our lives.  Whilst you’re reading this, I am sharing my opinion of media.  You may comment or share your opinions back to me creating a valuable communication.  I think we benefit from media when we actively engage in it.  When we become a part of media through communication: sharing, liking, commenting.  Media should be used for good: for inspiration, promoting passion and exchanging important ideas.