This week we were focusing on our first ‘warm up’ assessment and they ways we could represent ourselves through different mediums of media.  I found this valuable and intriguing as it allowed me to start to think about what different types of media I use regularly to represent myself: Instagram to represent myself visually through photographs and Facebook to represent my thoughts to the world.  I also use Facebook to share articles on culture and news that spike my interest.  After researching my previous posts on these forms of social media as a background of unintentional self-representation from over the years, I decided that I wanted to explore the use of photographs.  We knew that we couldn’t take ‘Selfies’ to represent ourselves, but a selfie is a photograph that one takes of oneself therefore a photograph taken OF me by some one ELSE does not classify as a selfie.  I thought that this may be a little manipulative of the marking criteria but in the end, I have broken no rules.  I have only tried to create something original that meets the constraints of the brief.  So, I decided to explore polaroid photographs of myself.  I wanted to recapture the photograph of a polaroid (a certain form of media) while having it in a real-life setting.  I wanted to actually visualise the interconnectedness of media and reality and how they link– how close or how separated they are.  And, I am continuing to research this idea for my assessment.

I think that through researching my own use of social media I have been able to cotton on to, hopefully a creative depiction of myself.