Reflection: ‘’Blogs in Media Education’’
Week 2 Reading
Reassuring and Refreshing!
This reading focused on why teachers should use blogs, how they can be included into the curriculum and the benefits students will have from this type of media.
Key points in the reading:
‘’In a nutshell, blog posts are small chunks that can be easily interlinked between blogs, and allow writing with a diverse range of voices including scholarly, personal, professional, conversational and humorous tones’’
‘’The use of blogs also model questions about online identity. As students write themselves through their blogs they develop an online persona which they control’’
‘’A space where you can express doubt and insecurity about your knowledge’’
‘’The most productive blogging is not the replication of print literacy but is closer to what might be thought of as a post print literacy’’
‘’Successful blogging is not something that happens in one class, or even a week- just as successful essay writing usually takes many years to develop’’