Project Feedback

The process used to critique and evaluate peers work is easily broken down into a simple colour system:

Yellow: positive view – things that worked well for the project brief.

Red: Initial feeling, or gut reaction

Black: Something that didn’t work.

Green: alternative ideas sparked by the brief.

The feedback I received from my peers was overall positive. It seemed what they particularly liked about my video was how I was able to give it a creepy vibe, which was what I intended. Further, I was complemented on my use of found footage, feeling as though it complemented the aesthetics and theme of the video, whilst offering a deeper interpretation of my subject. Straying away from my norm of using text, and instead, using voice over to convey messages and offer explanation was also complemented by my classmates. This, to me, was very important, as it is one area I am very uncomfortable in and having it acknowledged was very reassuring.

Areas my peers critique me on were possibly not exploring some points of the video to the best of my ability. Some images and footage where offered with little to no background of explanation and perhaps I could have expanded on these areas to offer a more dynamic exploration of my subject, Jes. Although my peers did not give me ‘black feedback’, possibly too worried about hurt feelings, I gathered from the comments made that I could have explored some images further as I did not offer deep enough explanation of them, therefore leaving some audience members confused.

As a whole, I am happy with my project brief. I was able to explore more creative concepts then previously, challenging myself and learning from my experience; overall a positive outcome.

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