Collaborative contract
Communication techniques and responsibilities
- Facebook group
- Post any articles that will help for the project brief
- If a team member is struggling they should feel comfortable approaching other members in the group for help.
- If any members feel as though they have more responsibility than others, it can be discussed and sorted accordingly.
- If a group member is unable to go to a tutorial or lectorial other members will be willing to share notes and information that was missed.
Meeting times/places/dates
- Monday 11:30 after cinema screening – group members will meet up and go through work that is completed and plan to complete pending work.
- Meet at RMIT – easy for everyone to meet.
- Make sure other meeting times can be arranged if there are more urgent issues.
Meeting procedure
- Meeting on Monday allows the group to plan for the upcoming week.
- Make sure everyone has an equal say within the meeting
- Arrange what will be addressed prior to meeting for efficient time use.
- Allow room at the end of the meeting to clarify or explain ideas.
- Any work that has been completed should be read and critiqued between members before submission.
Individual roles and responsibilities
Bridgette: writing primary – most comfortable with text.
Corey: Editing primary – confident with editing software.
Sherry: Storyboard cinematography – confident with technology.
Social opportunities
- Meetings will take place in a social environment i.e. Café.
- Meetings will not be overly formal – to allow for easy and comfortable communication.
After our first group meeting it became apparent that everyone in the group seems very willing to pull their weight to ensure the best possible outcome for this project. Everyone is very active in the Facebook group and is excited to share their work and ideas. When writing the contract we divided the points of the contract up so we could all bring our own ideas and also ensure that the contract was written as efficiently as possible.