Reflective Portfolio #1
Unsure what to expect coming into my first Media ‘Lectorial’ today, I found I thoroughly enjoyed it. Unlike other lectures I have experienced it was informative but not overwhelming, with the opportunity to clarify and discuss certain points during the session and feeling comfortable doing so.
The reading ‘Hyper and Deep Attention: The Generational Divide in Cognitive Modes’ defined the difference of Deep and Hyper Attention, and subtly helped categorise ourselves with either cognitive mode. The general consensus of the class seemed to fall with ‘Hyper Attention’, certainly I did. Although I had finished the reading in the allotted time I found myself having to re-read points of the article as my mind had wondered off into different tangents, something synonymous with Hyper Attention.
Although I struggle to focus on one particular task, writing is something that takes my full attention as it is one of my passions. I have always enjoyed writing, both as a cathartic release and for its honesty. It is far easier, I find, to express my opinion candidly and eloquently in text rather than vocally, which sums up my strengths and weaknesses pretty aptly. I struggle with public speaking, something, I hope, will improve in the duration of this course as I will be forced to break out of my comfort zone.
Thats it for now!