So, goodbye Channel 31, maybe…

If any of you have not read/seen the news, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced that community television stations would only be licensed until the end of 2015.

He said “The Government believes that the best outcome for community television is that, in the future, it uses the internet as its distribution platform,”.

Quite frankly, get your @#$% together Malcolm. How is TV meant to move online in Australia when most of Australia barely has the capability to stream a 720p youtube clip, let alone 1080p properly. And if the future of community television is online, why wouldn’t mainstream commercial television be online? considering the great disparity in funding and resources

Read more about it here.


Week 6 symposium notes, yay…

Can technology progress independently of art and culture?

  • There is no culture without technology
  • To make art you need technology. It is dependent.
  • Does Betty agree?


What is the untapped potential of hypertext?  Will we ever be satisfied with it?

  • Ted Nelson and his many wonderful theories on everything. (Transclusion)
  • “Therefore” to start a para in a book relies on the last paragraph – result of linear form of the medium (book) – limits hypertext
  • internet = equal distance between things
  • can have different interpretations of traditional texts, but in terms of format they are the same (eg. can’t argue that something different happens at pg. 22, but can argue meaning) – hypertext changes this – can still tell stories, but don’t have to be premised on order
  • Hypertext doesn’t work well with linear media? How you go about writing needs to change (but how does this work with all storytelling? All a mess…)
  • No planning, just start writing and connecting bits
  • Wikipedia – not a realised version of hypertext – realises it but in a closed way – two way links but only within site
  • shouldn’t have comments – should link to own blog post where you explain opinion



Transclusion-multiple-twitSo this image may not make sense to most people, nor should it as it is not applicable to the current structure of the internet. But this is Ted Nelson’s idea of transclusion in the form of a diagram. Enjoy!


RMIT is smoke free, right?

Bit of an unrelated post, but is it just me or is there signs saying RMIT is smoke free, don’t smoke on campus etc. everywhere?

Yet, I still notice a large number of people doing the discourteous act of smoking on campus, even staff members have been caught in the act. I am just questioning how are they enforcing this ban on smoking? cause it seems like your doing a pretty crap job.



Photo Credit: Alexandra Schwarz Photografie via photopin cc

Why yes, this is about footy

So, my tutor, Betty Sargeant told me today that I could write about footy, so here it is.

Check out the video below of Jake King announcing his retirement in a tigers meeting on monday. It shows the true friendships and passion that Australia’s great game can form, with King breaking up throughout his speech. (cool camera work too and stuff). (carn tiges). (she told us specifically to not say “carn tiges”). (#troll).

Check it out Here