Beginnings, middles and ends.

So, stories have beginnings, middles and ends, apparently the Internet does not, but, how do we really know?

Personally, I believe that we can actually conceptualise the internet into a story with a ‘beginning, middle and end’. Could we not say that the beginning of the ‘story’ of the internet is the actual creation of it for military purposes? What if the reason there is no visible ‘end’ to the story of the internet is because we are in the middle? Maybe the end of the story that is the internet, is the actual demise of the internet, and the reason why we see it as not having an end is because the story, in terms of history, has just begun, and there is a long way to go?

I think I just confused myself and anyone who reads this, but in all seriousness, what if…..

(see what I did there?)

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